Live Events and Workshops

If you’re looking to elevate your next event with a one-of-a-kind energetic and interactive experience...’ve come to the right place.

 Yes, my company is hosting an event.

 Yes, I’m a Studio Owner or wellness professional looking to collaborate



 All successful companies are built by the efforts of individuals--people who carry out the vision of the organization, embody its values, and whose daily actions drive its mission forward.

The larger the company--and bigger the vision--the more of those individuals there are, and the more they’ll be asked to do, in various departments and roles.

With this in mind, it’s no wonder that over the past two decades, the largest and most successful companies have made employee care & growth a centerpiece in their corporate culture.

Not surprisingly, services around employee development have increased commensurately. These days, there’s no shortage of options for how you can help your employees take the next steps in their careers or ascend to the next level of individual performance.

And while continuing education workshops, summits, company-wide retreats, and online courses are all fantastic, they usually overlook a significant component: physical activity.

Without this, retention of information drops, as does the ability to integrate anything learned into daily work in an appreciable way.

Here’s why...

For summits, workshops, and events to be effective, they require a lot of active listening. After all, you want your people to remember what they’re learning and be able to use it.

The issue is, these seminars are lengthy. (And usually, boring.)

By their very nature, events of this kind create the problem of wandering attention...and without a physical component, this is amplified for a few reasons.

  • Remaining sedentary for long periods lulls the brain into distractible state, in part to combat the urge to fidget for physical activity.

  • In addition, according to a 2011 study published in the British Medical Journal, sitting for long periods of time can cause sluggish blood flow, especially in the legs. This contributes to the development of a lot of aches and pains.

  • Sitting for long periods can also cause shoulder and back pain; more specifically there’s significant association between the amount of time a person spends seated and the intensity of their lower back pain.

  • The lungs don’t operate at their full capacity when sitting down for too long, therefore producing less oxygen to the brain, resulting in poor concentration and decreased performance

Outside of this being terrible for your employees in terms of their health, it also makes it significantly more difficult for them to focus on what they’re there to do: learn and improve.

The evidence that the negative mental and physical effects of sitting for too long could inhibit your attendees’ from receiving the maximum benefit from your event is overwhelming and indisputable.

But you can’t ignore the potential benefits of these types of events and programs.

The solution is twofold:

First eliminate all of the consequences of increased sedentary behavior; then give them the benefits of movement.

Implementing programs to help facilitate brain function for your employees will increase the likelihood that they will be able to absorb and retain the education that you intended for them to receive.

All of your efforts and time that you’ve invested in curating a memorable and informative event deserve to pay off.

That’s why we’ve developed
the Timeless Moves Experience.

Here’s how our program will contribute in making your event a success: 

We offer one-of-a-kind movement and mindset sessions, enhancing guests’ overall event experience, resulting in decreased stiffness and pain, increased focus, heightened productivity and amplified energy

Whether we’re guiding people through uplifting dance cardio workouts or drawing from our various healing modalities, we ensure that our program is always engaging and interactive, allowing people to connect more deeply with themselves and others. 

Here’s a taste:

  • motivational dance workouts

  • team-building exercises

  • leadership development

  • meditative/visualization practices

  • journaling

We tailor our versatile expertise to create a program that’s RIGHT FOR YOU!


Yes, I’m a Studio Owner or wellness professional looking to collaborate

Fitness facilities provide an invaluable service to the world: they both help individuals be their healthiest and best selves, and create a space in which these healthy habits can flourish alongside like minded people. 

Of all the benefits you can get from exercise, there’s one specific to training in a studio or health center: community. This is one of the most powerful leverage points in the world for health, for wellness, for growth, and for change.

But the problem is, many people are too busy to fully take advantage of the community aspect available to them at facilities like yours; they come in, get a workout, and leave.

As a result, they don’t get everything you have to offer. what if there were a way to give them more--not just a better workout, but a workout that brought with it increased confidence, healing and deeper connections with the self and others, including the power of the community you’ve already built?

We got you! Here’s how it works

We guide participants through an upbeat cardio dance workout. From freestyle to HIIT to choreography, there are dances styles to appeal to all different tastes and levels-- a flava for everyone.

Yes, music and cardio dance are two important ingredients that we use to help build a strong sense of community.

but it’s not our full recipe...

We draw from various healing modalities to create a holistic experience, including meditation, movement meditation, visualization, leadership, and journaling.

We create a safe environment for participants to connect deeply with their mind and body, feel comfortable tapping into their emotions and releasing what no longer serves them, all while bonding with others in the process.

When participants move through emotional barriers and blocks, dancing into their rawest and fullest expression with one another it opens the door for vulnerability- This is the bridge to connection and everlasting community.

That’s why we’ve developed
the Timeless Moves Experience.

We love collaborating with other powerful forces in the wellness world and what we offer compliments many other traditional fitness workouts and healing methods, such as yoga, pilates, and meditation. 

We’d love to hear from you and see how we can work together to create magic!